Family Photos

Who is this and who looks most like him today?
Jim III and Thera
John, Sharon and Jim
Dad (James F. Scott Sr.) at 18
Mom (Verna Scott) at 18
Young Grandfather (George T. Scott) circa 1900 (Note the K of C watch fob)
Young Grandmother “Laura” (Loretto Mahon) Scott
Laura (Mahon) and George Scott
Great Grandparents Margaret (Reynolds) & James Knox Mahon on the steps of the house at 8th and Porter, Corktown, Detroit.
My Mother’s Mother – Julia Bryfogle
Great Grandmother Ella Bryfogle
Great Grandfather Lewis Bryfogle
Great Grandfather John Scott – Top Right (Hose Cart Driver)
Isn’t this interesting how modern technology can bring an old photo to life?
This what my sister looked like when she was a teenager. She’s still pretty!